Years of research
Candidate learning co-webinar with Career Angels 21 September
The international career coach Sandra Bichl and professor Rikard Larsson discuss ”How Much Can You Really Learn About candidates?”
Two new career articles in People Management Magazine
Saundra Stroope and Rikard Larsson have published two related articles about how the Career Model can be used for new challenges
Decision Dynamics and Future of Work Solutions in Strategic Partnership!
Decision Dynamics AB and Future of Work Solutions in a strategic partnership! Our ambition is to offer digital assessments
Choose the right tool for the job!
We think that tools should be engaging, easy to use and create tangible results.
Decision Dynamics’ tools provide:
- easily comprehensible interpretations that immediately create insights in leaders and co-workers
- a shared language to ease the process of implementing a culture of engagement and development
- possibilities to integrate assessments, selections and developments for increased efficiency
Contact us to discuss your needs and one of our consultants will help you find the right tool!
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